29 Images
Renaissance Pleasure Faire at Casa de Fruta.
October 12, 2002
6 Images
Copia food and wine center in Napa Valley
11 Images
The group goes camping. August 24th-25th, 2002
117 Images
Vacation Photos from August 11th-23rd, 2002
283 Images
Come see our Vacation from June 19th - July 1st, 2002.
This was Freecia and Melissa's Grad Trip.
21 Images
Pictures of animals from July 27th, 2002.
4 Images
Ashland, Oregon and Lake Shasta
24 Images
Look ma! 4 years and an Engineering degree!
22 Images
Feel the Greed! No really. Spring Break!
10 Images
Photos of Gadgets and other fun stuff
120 Images
Thailand and Hong Kong in Christmas, 2001.
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